What can an investor expect from the stock market ?
10/2024 " The stock market (equity market ) has tended to produce statistically positive returns over a long time frame and has therefore...
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Stock market map is an investment research project which seeks to discover the most optimal equity investment portfolios for the stages of an investor's investment lifecycle. It is a research driven, science based investing and wealth accumulation method for use towards fulfilling a goal of financial independence.
The Investment Lifecycle - Why Does One Need to "Invest" ?
Over the investment lifecycle, there are two stages: the accumulation stage and the income stage. In the career ( accumulation stage ) years, in order for an investor to maximize the accumulation of retirement assets in an optimal way, they may want to employ equity based assets ( stock market assets ) that have shown highest performance, as proven by academic investment science.
Why does an investor want to maximize the accumulation of assets into retirement ? Because research has indicated that 85% of retirement eligible citizens don't have enough or excess savings / investments accumulated to live in financial independence or financial security ( see "Stock Market Investing “Cheat Sheet”" in E-Books tab )
An investor who is in their accumulation stage years will most likely need a portfolio that may produce maximal growth. As per academic research, investment a portfolio of "value" stocks and "growth" stocks, has produced a high rate of growth over a multi-decade period. A read of the content within the tab "Accumulation Stage Investor" provides further information.
An investor who is in their income stage years will most likely desire a reasonable income stream accompanied by some amount of portfolio growth. Research shows that investment in a portfolio of "value" stocks has produced a respectable income stream for almost a century. A read of the content within the tab "Income Stage Investor" provides further information.
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